Franklin County Genealogical & Historical Society
Franklin County Genealogical & Historical Society
Welcome to the Franklin County Genealogical & Historical Society !
Our earnest volunteers have worked hard to bring to our audience organized genealogical information, most of it about Franklin County, Ohio.
Realizing that all of us have found clues in unexpected places, don’t leave a click unclicked in our left margin offerings.
Members of FCGHS have access to ALL information on our website while non-members limp along; wondering what might lie behind the magic door that could be the answer to their genealogical problems.
Limp no more!
Become a Member of FCGHS for only $20 and who knows what you will find: ancestors, indexes, records, friends, opportunities and appreciation.
Our society will also provide research services for a fee. $25.00 for members, $35.00 non-member. Minimum of one hour research time, payable in advance. Other charges may apply such as copying, faxing, microfilm rental etc. Before research can be started, you will need to complete a research form. Click on the "link" if you have questions concerning your research contact FCGHS at (614) 849-1239 or e-mail                    Research Request Form
DNA Special Interest Group Leader

Genetic ancestry testing, or genetic genealogy, is a way for people interested in family history (genealogy) to go beyond what they can learn from relatives or from historical documentation. Examination of DNA variations can provide clues about where a person's ancestors might have come from and about relationships between families.

Contact us at

(614) 849-1239

or e-mail

If You can HELP


F.A.N. Breeze Expansion

F.A.N. Breeze Expansion: Using Spreadsheets to Power Cluster Research
Presented by CECELIA MCFADDEN at 2024 OGS Conference
Cecelia is Managing Director for Genealogy Technologies, a business that partners with individuals and organizations seeking support in achieving breakthroughs in family history research. She is an avid volunteer with history and genealogy organizations and currently serves as President of the Franklin County, Ohio Genealogy and Historical Society.
Presentation Overview
What is Cluster
Frameworks &
Technology Tool
Design & Creation

Genealogy Research Trip to Ft. Wayne

2024 - Genealogy Research Trip
to the
Allen County Public Library, Ft. Wayne, IN
(Sponsored by the Franklin County Genealogical & Historical Society)
The Allen County Public Library in Ft. Wayne is one of the U.S.’s top ranked
genealogy libraries. This research trip is for beginners, intermediate and seasoned researchers alike.
Thursday, Friday & Saturday
September 12, 13 & 14, 2024

Franklin County Genealogical and Historical Society
  Office Hours
     Sunday 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m
Tuesday 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
or by Appointment



Help Wanted
Genetic ancestry testing, or genetic genealogy, is a way for people interested in family history (genealogy) to go beyond what they can learn from relatives or from historical documentation. Examination of DNA variations can provide clues about where a person's ancestors might have come from and about relationships between families.
The Franklin County Genealogical and Historical Society is in need of a DNA Special Interest Group Leader.
Contact us at  (614) 849-1239 or e-mail if You can HELP


Join us on Facebook!
The FCGHS has a Facebook group where we publicize events and discuss genealogy.
Find us by searching “Franklin County Genealogical and Historical Society”
and request to join—an administrator will approve you
Here is a direct link:    Facebook


The Franklin County Genealogical and Historical Society will search for a copy of an obituary/death notice in local newspapers for a cost of $5.00 per obituary.
The society will accept e-mail ( requests with the understanding obituaries will not be sent until payment is received.
Please remit payment, (check or money order), the name and death date of deceased to:
FCGHS,  96 South Grant Avenue, Columbus, Ohio 43215-4702.
Our society will also provide other research services. $25.00 for members, $35.00 non-member. Minimum of one hour research time, payable in advance.  Contact FCGHS at (614) 849-1239 or e-mail


The Pioneer Families of Franklin County

CLICK HERE to review the names of the original pioneers from Franklin County.
These men and women are known to arrive in Franklin County prior to December 31, 1830.  
The first column contains their last name, second column their first, third column is when they arrived in Franklin County.
If your ancestor(s) name is listed, you are eligible to join the FCGHS Pioneer Family Lineage Society.  Each year, FCGHS honors new applicants at a Lineage Society luncheon.  Newly accepted applicants will receive a Pioneer Family Lineage certificate, Franklin County Genealogical and Historical Society Pin, and a Pioneer Lineage bar which attaches to the pin.
To apply to the Pioneer Family Lineage Society ( or any of the other 5 lineages) click on the words "Lineage Societies" found in the green section, upper left hand side of the home page and fill out the application.  If you have any questions, contact the Society office at (614) 849-1239 

Kroger Community Rewards Program & Re-Enrollment

Thank you for going "Kroger-ing"


Thank you to all the FCGHS members, family and friends who are participating in this fantastic program.  Remember the more supporters we have who shop at Kroger, the more free money the Society will earn.


It is not too late to help the Society earn free money.  To sign up... go to    Enter your 12 digit Kroger card number and our organization number JA 546.  (Number has Changed 2018) (We are listed as Franklin Co. Genealogical and Hist. Soc.)  The Society will receive a percentage of the amount you spend.


It does not cost you anything or effect your fuel points.  This is a great opportunity for you to help the Society's yearly budget.   Our Society will receive a percentage of the amount you spend. 

This is a great opportunity for you to help the Society's yearly budget.
Can we TOP $500.00 this year !!!

Every year you need to re-enroll in the Kroger Community Rewards Program between April 1st - April 30th) No Sooner) To re-enroll go to or and Sign in. Follow the instructions. Please take a few minutes to enroll or re-enroll in this worthy program - it really benefits our Society.

Thank you!

For Genealogical Societies,
Senior Citizen Groups,
Retirement Villages
Family Reunions,
Youth Groups
“Ask Granny”©
coordinator in this area:
Jayne Davis, Education Chairperson,
Franklin County Genealogical & Historical Society
Franklin County Genealogical &
Historical Society
96 South Grant Avenue, Columbus, Ohio 43215-4702
Ask Granny
"Ask Granny"© is an innovative genealogical outreach program especially designed to be presented by local Genealogical Society members at assisted-living or retirement homes or other places where seniors gather.
Funded entirely by small local contributions, the authors provide FREE specially formatted materials and instructions.
The Franklin County Genealogical Society members will use the materials to guide the seniors as they create a simple ancestral chart for themselves and for their spouses.
The program is very different than a beginning genealogy course. Using only pencils and paper, the Grannies and Grandpas who attend the seminars record their memories of family names, dates, and places them on a chart labeled “A Genealogical Gift to my Family.”
When those pages are preserved in their special gift folder, family members will never have to wonder "why didn't we ask Granny about that?" Whether the students can remember the details of one generation or six, they create an irreplaceable record of family history for their grandchildren and great grandchildren.
At every session, even seniors who think they will remember nothing have been able to record several generations with the help of their instructors.

Franklin County Townships